Nossas Famílias E Suas Histórias

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 #   Notas   Ligado a 
151 13 Apr 2013, Fonte de Informação:
O arquivo da família Calmon à luz da arquivologia contemporânea by Eneida Santana Baumann. Salvador, BA, 2011. [Dissertação (Mestrado) ? Universidade Federal da Bahia, Programa de Pós- graduação em Ciência da Informação]
Page 60
?G1.5 João Calmon Du Pin e Almeida, nascido a 6 de setembro de 1668, batizado no curato da Sé, em Salvador, capital da Bahia. Depois dos estudos de
latim, filosofia e teologia. Firmou -se sacerdote, onde foi vigário-geral do arcebispado, desembargador do número, provisor, juiz de casamento, comissário da bula, procurador-geral dos índios, promotor apostólico, juiz dos resíduos, governador do arcebispado e promotor do síno do que celebrou o arcebispo D. Sebastião Monteiro de Vide. Teve ainda o título de Geral da Ordem carmelita para todo Brasil. Faleceu em avançada idade e foi enterrado na sepultura de seus pais no mosteiro de São Bento, na Bahia.?
Almeida, João Calmon Du Pin e (I7816)
152 13 Apr 2013, Fonte de Informação:
O arquivo da família Calmon à luz da arquivologia contemporânea by Eneida Santana Baumann. Salvador, BA, 2011. [Dissertação (Mestrado) ? Universidade Federal da Bahia,
Programa de Pós- graduação em Ciência da Informação]
Page 60

"Graduado bacharel em Direito pela Universidade de Coimbra, retornou à Bahia, onde foi feito coronel de um regimento de Ordenanças e juiz de órfãos"
Almeida, Miguel Calmon (I7808)
153 13 Apr 2013, Fonte de Informação:
O arquivo da família Calmon à luz da arquivologia contemporânea by Eneida Santana Baumann. Salvador, BA, 2011. [Dissertação (Mestrado) ? Universidade Federal da Bahia,
Programa de Pós- graduação em Ciência da Informação]
Page 61
Fidalgo da Casa de Sua Majestade, coronel de um regimento de Ordenança 
e Almeida, Francisco Calmon Du Pin (I7833)
154 13 Apr 2013:
Fonte de Informação:
MOTT, L.; Bahia: inquisição e sociedade [online]. Salvador: EDUFBA, 2010. 294p. ISBN 978-85- 232-0580-5. Available from SciELO Books <>.
Chapter 3, "O cônego João Calmon, comissário do santo ofício na Bahia setecentista " by Luiz Mott, page 43.
Calmon, Bertrand (I7812)
155 13-12-2011. In the Museu of Imigration do Estado de Sao Paulo's website on the Pesquisa Registro de Matricula dos Imigrantes under the group of Domenico Altoe (Alloe), Antonia is listed as 21 years-old, Italian, and daughter-in-law/Livro 044, Página 035, Família 33660/ 
Família (F769)
156 14 Apr 2013.
First name of all her children and partial name of second husband, Papai Paulino, found on notes obtained from Orlinda's booklet, 1982. 
Calmon, Maria Josephina da Silva (I4772)
157 14 Feb 2014:

He might be the father of Amelia Oliveria married to Virgínio Calmon Ferreira Fernandes. Name of the wife differs...
Eugenia Clara Oliveira. 
Oliveira, Vicente Lopes de (I8456)
158 15 Apr 2013
Fonte de Informação:
Birth and death dates differ from the one found on the LUSITANA, 619. I kept the Lusitana 2, page 619.

Calmon, João (I7810)
159 15 Apr 2013
Fonte de Informação:
Calmon, Bertrand (I7812)
160 15 Apr 2013
Fonte de Informação:
Família (F2487)
161 15 Apr 2013, Fonte de Informação:
Data e local de nascimento e data de falecimento. 
Calmon, João (I7810)
162 15 Apr 2013-
Patrick Calmon - Processo da Sesmaria Sossego (1924), uploaded by GeHolliday7667 on Jan 15, 2010.
Nome do marido, nome dos filhos,e falecimento dela. 
Calmon, Lilia Josephina du Pin (I7794)
163 16 Apr 2013
Fonte de Informacao: Provincia do Espirito-Santo by Bazilio Carvalhe Daemon, 1879, page 210(Arquivo Publico do Estado do Espirito Santo, 2003)
"E dado pelo Governador Manoel Vieira de Alguquerque Tovar, em Outubro d'este anno [1809], o nome de LINHARES ao aontigo Quartel de Contins, no lugar em que hoje existe a villa do mesmo nome a margem do Rio-Doce, convidando para alli diversos lavradores a estabelecerem-se, o que por alguns foi acceito, vindo nessa occasiao de Benevente o lavrador Joao Phelippe Calmon.Estabeleceu o Governador diversos destacamentos rio acima- a omepdri as sorprezas do gentio que muito incomodavao aos povoadores d'aquelle lugar,.." 
Calmon, João Felippe Almeida Du Pin (I7801)
164 1696-1782, M, FN, Torkilstrup- Image 31
Løverdagen (lørdagen = the Saturday) d. 30. Juli trolovet enke (widower) og gaardmand (farmer) Lars Christensen i Virket paa gaarden No. 11 til pigen Kirsten Joensdatter af Ducher. Forloverne: Niels Joensen, gmd. i Virket, Jens Christensen, gmd. i Vejringe.

Ducher. is an abbreviation of Ducherup or Dukkerup which is a village in that parish. 
Família (F1597)
165 17 Apr 2013
Family involved in Politics in Linhares: 
Família (F2469)
166 17 Apr 2013

Her picture is featured on Vida Capichaba and she is listed as "ornament of our elite" 
Araujo, Ida de Lima (I6021)
167 17 Apr 2013
Sons worked in the Police force for Linhares. 
Família (F2469)
168 17 Apr 2013
Jornal: O Estado do ESpirito Santo, Ano X, N. 02609, Victoria 2 de Outubro de 1891, pagina 2.
Article: Viagem ao Rio- Doce (continuacao)by G. Faria.
It is menioned that in the village of Linhares , the only rural establishment of importance is the beautiful fazenda das Tres Pontes owned by Paulino Fernandes e one of his brother Felicio. 
Fernandes, Paulino Ferreira (I7783)
169 17 Apr 2013
Citado no Jornal do Commercio do Espirito Santo - 1892 a 1910 - PR_SPR_00213_006_229687, Anno VII, Num. 264.
" Digno agricultor"
Fernandes, Paulino Ferreira (I7783)
170 17 Apr 2013
Diario da Manhã - 1908 a 1937 - PR_SPR_00520_572748
Diario da Manaha, Ano X, N,. 248, Victoria, 22 de Julho de 1916; page 2.
Marriage note: 17 do corrente as 5 1/2 em Linhares, in her grandfather's home, coronel Paulino Ferandes de Oliveira. 
Família (F3)
171 17 Apr 2013.
1871- Land em Macavo, Cachoeiro de Itapemirm 
Família (F2469)
172 17 Apr 2013.
1871- Properties near lagoa Jupunara 
Família (F2469)
173 17 Apr 2014
Relatorios dos Presidentes dos Estados Brasileiros - 1892 a 1930 - Edition 1. May 23, 1916 to Many 23 192.
Lilia is listed as having 4.200 of cocoa plant in production near Linhares.  
Calmon, Lilia Josephina du Pin (I7794)
174 17 Nov 2012:
Transcricao de Fabrício Gerin
"Em os dezenove dias do mês de fevereiro do ano de mil seiscentos e cinquenta e nove, por mandado do Senhor Provisor e Vigário Geral, o Reverendo Cônego João Dinis Pereira, guardando em tudo a forma do Sagrado Concílio Tridentino, recebi in facie eclesia a Antão Martins Fagundes, filho do Capitão Pedro Lourenço Machado e de sua mulher Maria Fernandes da Costa, já defuntos, com Beatriz Dias, filha de Nicolau Gonçalves Leal e de sua mulher Bárbara de Airosa, já defuntos, fregueses desta freguesia de Santa Bárbara, foram testemunhas presentes o Capitão Vicente Romeiro da Costa, e o Capitão Antonio Machado Fagundes, Lourenço Dias Velho e Manoel Lucas Carreiro, e outras muitas pessoas, e por verdade fiz este termo em o dia, mês e era acima dita. O Vice-vigário Luís Pereira." 
Família (F2426)
175 17 Nov 2013

Another Paulino ?? or wrong name. Paulino is listed as Paulino Fernandes de Oliveira on Orlinda's marriage social note on another article of a different newspaper.
In this newspaper, there is a note about Luiz Fernandes de Oliveira, graduated y the "Faculdade de Direito do Recife, natural of MG, and son of the capitan Paulino Ferandes de Oliveira 
Fernandes, Paulino Ferreira (I7783)
176 1701-1770, M, FS, Falkerslev- Image 287?=(7 Dec 1757). It refers to an Anna Rasmusd and a Lars. Yes: d. 7. decembr trolovet (sort of engaged) Laurs Nielsen Hare Anna Rasmusd. af Bønnet (? no such name in the parish – maybe Virket) I think that they were wed (copuleret) 18 january, but I am not sure. at indtræde udi Ægteskab lovligen ….. Laurs Rasmussen .. Família (F1556)
177 1760-1814, M, FS, Væggerløse -Image 108 Christiansdatter, Johanne (I4945)
178 1762- Morava em Ponte Pedrinha de Sao Pedro de Lomar. Ferreira, Joseph (I6826)
179 1770 (death of Isabel- her daughter- Custodia was a widow living in Pedra Nova, Lomar. Custodia had a brother named Joao who lived in Estrada, Lomar. da Costa, Custodia (I6837)
180 1770-1808, M, FS, Falkerslev- Image 19 Larsen (I4987)
181 1770-1808, M, FS, Falkerslev-Image 25- Note that the wife of Niels Johnsen carried the child. Niels J must be a brother of Kirsten. Larsen, John (I4989)
182 1778 Simon’s death: Christian was not listed as a miller. He was listed as a day-labour whose family lived in rented room on a house or a farm.

Nielsen, Christian (I4809)
183 1784- Niel's confirmation: Christian Nielsen is listed as miller of Lidstrup. Nielsen, Christian (I4809)
184 1787 Census: He was married with a 3 year-old child. He lived in a rented house and was working as a miller at Nørre Ørslev, Lidstrup By.

E-mail for Niels Nybo Jacobsen 14 Dec 2009: “Concerning 1788 there were some major reforms in the country, one of them being that it was no longer prohibited to move to another property (estate). Maybe this had something to do with the movements. Very often, after 1788, the people would still move to other parts of the estate. An estate could have property in several parishes.”

Nielsen, Christian (I4809)
185 1795-1798: Sometime between (Lars' and Maren’s births) The family moved to Systofte Systofte.

Nielsen, Christian (I4809)
186 1801 Census
Ascher, Akershus, Norway
#2742 Johannes Mons, Age: 68, Occupation: Husmand med jord
#2743 Marte Jørgens, his wife, Age: 64
#2744 Mari Johannes, his daughter, Age: 36, Widow, Occupation: Fattig penge
#2745 Lars Olsen, her son, Age: 11
#2746 Hendrich Ols, her son, Age: 7
#2747 Kirsti Ols, her daughter, Age: 3 
Johannesdt., Mari (Henrich's Birth) (I4895)
187 1801 Census
Laurvig, Vestfold, Norway
#648 Hans Nielsen_mørch, Age: 47, Work: Hattemager Mester
#649 Anne Cristine Abrahamsdtr, wife, Age: 29
#650 Niels Abrahamsen, Age: 9
#651 Abraham Hansen, Age: 2
#652 Else Catharine Hansdtr, Age: 8
#653 Maren Cristine Hansdtr, Age 5
And 4 other household members. 
Mørch, Hans Christian Nielsen (I4846)
188 1801 Census
Stavanger, Rogaland, Norway
#2356 Søren Olsen, Age: 41, Work: Matros, ...
#2357 Ragnilla Rasmusdtr., Age: 46
#2358 Olene Sørensdtr., Age: 10
#2359 Sivert Sørensen, Age: 8 
Olsen, Søren (I4932)
189 1801 Census: He was married living with 4 "children" at home. He was working as a miller Idestrup, Ørslew Bye. Nielsen, Christian (I4809)
190 1802- Birthe's birth information. SA- Kirkebøger 1797-1831, Maribo, Falster Norre, Norre Velby- Image 41 - lower right
"Birthe fød d. 20. December 1802 af indsidder Jens Hansen i Nørre Vedbye og hustru Maren Christensdatter, døbt d. 23. januar 1803. Maren Rasmusdatter, xxxxxxxxxx bar barnet, faddere: Rasmus xxxxx, Peder Olsen, Hans Hansen fra Vedbye(?), xxxxxxx

(B. born 20. dec 1802 by indsidder (poor people living in other peoples house or farm) JH in Nr.V. and wife MCd, christened 23. jan 1803). Translation by Niels N Jakobsen, 10/18/2008

1834 Census

1850-Dansk Demografisk Database, Maribo, Falsters Nørre, Nørre Vedby, Egeløv Bye, 1 Huus, 25, FT-1850, B8934

Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Birthe Jensdatter 48 Gift Indsidder Kone, Huusmoder, Manden har fast Tjeneste,
som Røgter paa Elysium her i Sognet do [her i Sognet]
Sidsel Pedersdatter 24 Ugift deres Børn [Birthe Jensdatter] do [her i Sognet]
Jens Peder Pedersen 14 Ugift deres Børn [Birthe Jensdatter] do [her i Sognet]
Hans Pedersen 3 Ugift deres Børn [Birthe Jensdatter] do [her i Sognet]

It seams like the father (P. Mikkelsen) was working and living on a farm in Egeløv (or just outside on the fields): Elysium. At that time it was one of the largest farms in the parish. In the 1850’es it was made into a “fattiggård”: A place for the poor – most of the farms had a bad reputation; the poor just hardly survived.

Birthe lives in the house in Egeløv with the children.

Peder was taking care of the animals (røgter) at the farm Elysium, he was not a business man.

1850- Census Archievely- Page 6 (Same information mentioned above) FIND CORRECT PAGE LOCATION.

1855- Dansk Demografisk Database: Maribo, Falsters Nørre, Nørre Vedby, Nørre Vedby, Et Hus, 88 F1, FT-1855, C8078
Birthe Jensdatter 53 Enke daglejerske Her i Sognet
Hans Pedersen 8 Ugift hendes søn Her i Sognet

Birthe's death: K 1871-1891, M, FN, Norre Vedby- Image 21 # 2 
Jensdatter, Birthe (I4792)
191 1827-1836- M, FS, Idestrup-Image 154, 26.- "ungkarl (bachelor) PC, 22? yo, vac 1819, enken (widow) Johanne Christiansen in Sdr. Ørslev, married xx juni 1833." Família (F1595)
192 1831 Census the Torreos,MG- Lista dos membros da familia do Francisco Ribeiro de Almeida com as idades fornecida por Elione Guimaraes, e-mail de 17 Feb 2013.

Família (F2550)
193 1837-1852, M, FS, Idestrup, Image 6 # 13. Pedersen, Christian (I4971)
194 1850 US Federal Census: Mary Bedore living in Au Sable, Clinton, New York, United States. Birth place: New York and birth year (estimated): 1849.

1860 US Federal Census: ?.

1870 US Federal Census: Mary Shonnes living in Fayston, Washington, Vermont United States. Birth place: Vermont and birth year (estimated): 1846.

1880 US Federal Census: Mary Shannie living in Kentland, Newton, Indiana. Birth place: New York and birth year (estimated): 1852.

1900 US Federal Census: Mary Shoney. She was living in Frederick, Brown, South Dakota. Birth place: Vermont and birth year (estimated): Feb 1851.

1910 US Federal Census: Mary Shonio. She was living in Frederick Ward 2, Brown, South Dakota. Birth place: Vermont and birth year (estimated): 1847.
Bedore, Mary (I8826)
195 1865 Census
Asker, Akershus, Norway
#7481 Jonette Henriksdatter, Work: Maidservant, Unmarried, Age: 18, Birthplace: Bærum

1875 Census - see Haagine Olsdt., mother 
Henrichsdatter, Jonette (I4872)
196 1865 Census
Asker, Akershus, Norway
#8032 Marthin Henriksen, Work: Skomager og Selveier, Age: 31, Birthplace: Asker
#8033 Oline Andreasdatter, his wife, Age: 25, Birthplace: Asker
#8034 Marthin Andreasen, Work: Læregut (apprentice), Age: 14, Birthplace: Asker
#8035 Henrik Olsen, Work: Husmand, Age: 71, Birthplace: Asker
#8036 Haagine Olsen, his wife, Age: 57, Birthplace: Asker
#8037 Lars Henriksen, their son, Work: Skomager, Age: 21, Birthplace: Asker 
Olsen, Henrich (I4844)
197 1865 Census
Asker, Akershus, Norway
#8099 Ole Kristoffersen, Occupation: I. Rytteragers Fuldmægtig, Age: 44, Birthplace: Nordrehaugs Præstegjeld
#8100 Gunnild Andersdatter, his wife, Age: 46, Birthplace: Hole Præstegjeld
#8101 Kristofer Olsen, Age: 20, Birthplace: Nordrehaugs Præstegjeld
#8102 Marthin Olsen, Age: 14, Birthplace: Nordrehaugs Præstegjeld
#8103 Johan Olsen, Age 6, Birthplace: Asker
#8104 Anne Olsen, Age 17, Birthplace: Nordrehaugs Præstegjeld
#8105 Karen Olsen, Age: 12, Birthplace: Nordrehaugs Præstegjeld
#8106 Maren Olsen, Age: 9, Birthplace: Nordrehaugs Præstegjeld
#8107 Annette Olsen, Age: 3, Birthplace: Asker

1875 Census
Asker, Akershus, Norway
#9286 Ole Kristofersen, Occupation: Husmand Sagbrugsbestyrer, Birthyear: 1823, Birthplace: Norderhov
#9287 Gunhild Andersdatter, his wife, Birthyear: 1821, Birthplace: Hole
#9288 Karen Olsdatter, Birthyear: 1854, Birthplace: Norderhov
#9289 Maren, Olsdatter, Birthyear: 1856, Birthplace: Norderhov
#9290 Johan Olsen, Birthyear: 1858, Birthplace: Bærum
#9291 Annette Olsdatter, Birthyear: 1863, Birthplace: Bærum
#9292 Marie Olsdatter, Oles Mother, Birthyear: 1798, Birthplace: Norderhov 
Christophersen, Ole (I4842)
198 1865 Census
Hole, Buskerud, Norway
#645 Anders Peders., Work: Husmand og Dagarbeider, Age: 75, Birthplace: Norderhaug Prgj.
#646 Ingebor Madsd., his wife, Age: 72, Birthplace: Norderhaug Prgj. 
Pedersen, Anders (marriage record) (I4868)
199 1865 Census
Nordrehov, Buskerud, Norway
#2860 Christoffer Ols. Work: Husm m Jord, Age: 72, Birthplace: Hedalen
#2861 Marie Olsd. his wife, Age: 65, Birthplace: Hole Prgj. 
Olsen, Christopher (mar.) (I4867)
200 1865 Census
Skien, Telemark, Norway
#1037 Necolai Mørk, Work: Skomagermester, age: 32, birthplace: Skien
#1038 Marie Mørk, wife, age: 30, Birthplace: Stavanger
#1039 Magrete Mørk, daughter, age: 5, Birthplace: Skien
#1040 Elise Mørk, daughter, age: 3, Birthplace: Skien
#1041 Sofie Mørk, daughter, age: 2, Birthplace: Skien

1875 Census
Skien, Telemark, Norway
#2880 Nicolay Severin Mørk, Work: Skomagermester, Birthyear: 1833, Birthplace: Skien
#2881 Oline Marie Berg, Birthyear: 1835, Birthplace: Stavanger
#2882 Magrete Karrette Mørk, Birthyear: 1860, Birthplace: Skien
#2883 Elise Hendrikke Mørk, Birthyear: 1862, Birthplace: Skien
#2884 Augusta Saaphie Mørk, Birthyear: 1864, Birthplace: Skien
#2885 Niels Mørk, Birthyear: 1866, Birthplace: Skien
#2886 Endre Mørk, Birthyear: 1868, Birthplace: Skien
#2887 Marte Mørk, Birthyear: 1870, Birthplace: Skien
#2888 Marie Mørk, Birthyear: 1872, Birthplace: Skien
#2889 Hans Mørk, Birthyear: 1874, Birthplace: Skien 
Mørk, Nicolai Severin (I4835)

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